On a summer Sunday
as I traipsed along
To the land which never lulls to sleep
To the Land where the Sub rarely blinks
And dreams are rarely bereft.
Where the stars never in their satire
Have a tale to wail
No tornadoes never
No khamsin or gales ever.
Where the fawn freely scampers and
and in the green grass doth frolic
And the faeries in their translucent sheen.
The land where the leaf
Has the diamonds sparkling gleam
Where the beauty of the stream meanders its course
And wine in the river aplenty
to the cups delight and brim
The Dates are cream filled
and Chrysanthemum's and Roses never wilt.
Where the Lover's glory stray
and the grass never dries
And Apollo and the Golden Apples..
the Goddess in her Golden Chariot dances.
So much grandeur of the rain
That pours like glass and sleet.
Yet my heart in thousand pieces is torn
and happiness like a dream forgone
I crave not the grass that never wilts.
And dreams that never see a tear,
Or ever the devils sneer.
My heart is beaded in thousand
silent silken knots
Silk meshed with thorns green
For years I have craved thee
O! Eden.
Lured in Love for thy Golden serene
Why now have I lost my
Lure for thee!