For me this particular mollusc's always been the scourge of the sea...That is to say when I learnt of this eight legged monster....who did not bite off its preys head...so that the death is instantaneous ...no..it holds you in its embrace... savors you....and then secrets venom out of its tentacles and feasts..urghhhh....how grotesque..
Later I learnt Ladies in Old England feasted on octopus's tentacle..a connoisseur delight.. as their eyes were glued to the plays..artistic...or what..some how modern art and people from the yellow ages have eluded my understanding so I try to maintain a pacific stand on both!!! and some parts of the world my dear mollusc's is fished for food...!!! On that note aren't greens enough to be feasted on?
There could be no end to my amusements delight till my little friends introduced me to Oswald..now Oswald is a blue octopus who can dance to the tune of his friends and can balance a teacup on its limb with much ease as it can walk...swim..build sand castels...arrange a summer camp eighthandedly
...if you are confused my dear friends then Oswald is a toon character!!
Now things have become Paul-iish....all was well till Argentinians were ousted then Die deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft was ousted and then Managed to stand for a respectable Third!!
today the time is running short..and I am really not sooo ... happy to see This world cup finale..its been a world cup full of surprises...Firstly we saw fall of Champions with teams like that of France.. Italy...Brazil...Argentina falling off and out...
No Paul you indeed are not at all the one to be blamed..your fate is that you are Paulish..imperfecto...no I am well aware of the fact that you may have remote psyche powers..or above all you are simply concerned with the morsel placed before you..the flag has no significance....a twit as much as it has to do with me..and like all other mortal you too are craving for some octopussy attention to your tribe..but this time Paul you have got more than some Octopussy attention...the whole world is looking at you some who adore you , others with eyes set waiting to devour you...
Spaniards!!! I am well aware you may take many a snap this year with Paul..kindly do not even dream of renaming him Paul..simple things should never be given Pablo-ic..ooopsss.... weired funny names..or the sense of simplicity is just driven out free-kicked out of the air!!
Paul or no Paul...to-night is the day of celebrations, my sleep is more important I shall celebrate after reading it from the newspapers!!
May the best team win...Paul may predict..but its these giants who have to make the predictions come true...
Here is to the world cup of surprises..
To the world cup of Paul..
To the World cup of 2010..
May the deserving alone win.