Monday, May 28, 2012


The calm Horizon
stands afloat
Hue changing by the hours
... Myriad...
secrets it harbours,
myriad dreams have come true,
: silently watched them come.
the Benevolent Blue Goddess..
myriad billions
..strange and strong: Dreams
have been shattered
stories bedded in its bosom..
lost arches and Empires
Creatures and harbingers.

on Discovery
heart cries encore:
Enfold..Entreat :-show more.

Lap me not in your lusty waters
You intimidate me...
a Reflection of me..
Are you me!!
You cannot be...
Oh Woman...
O, Ye deep blue sea!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


a little love here
a little love there..
a random assault...
a final give in..
a carnal attraction..
a Pagan submission
a deep sense of denial...
a latent sense of recognition...!!
stimulating intellect..
varied varied...

ages and fancy men...forlorn lovers...forsaken in conquest.. have all attempted to define it..and I, in this sea of searchers ...again...
will be just one of the countless million who decide to do so...Again!
plays have been written in its conquests...countless movies made..songs written..symphonies composed...stories plotted around it..battles have been fought and lost ....
What is Love....
languages it had crossed ages ago...since Adam and Eve
it has crossed colors and has been accepted..
it has crossed age and has been accepted..
it has now crossed genders and will be accepted
yet still..
it needs to cross cultures..boundaries rooted deep in the mind and mystic...mystique...

so many have slain themselves and so many may not muster..for life holds a larger dream...!! what is then life..if not lived to its fullest...Philosophers say "live life to its fullest"!! is happiness and attainment of it all fulfillment...this leads to another question what is meant by fulfillment ..(well I am no philosopher hence will not delve into it)... is love a deep craving for a goal..that's larger than love being around ones who accept you even if the world despises you..or is love being with the one, the one who embraces you with all your human fallacies...
what is love if not spent in the arms of love...death leading to its perpetuity...!!

Rest I leave it for you to decide...