Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Endless Tirades

walking through the silvery streets
where the silhouette are common
and riles so deep
the trash and the thrashing of the random cat
a seldom bark and the beggars sniff
the dark alleys
and drunken whores
The stink of dried blood and
vestiges of puke

What am I doing?
dressed in my satin and lace
These are people
real good and bad
where I : a mere caricature
can find no space

the muck and the ruckus
all in a spate
life is a brazen date
an endless tirade

Sunday, December 8, 2013

To the good times


Drink away

To the merry times of the juvenile


When the head was young

And heart not sore!



Man near say “fie”

Let demons die

And angels cry.


When the riley firebrand tames

Not a vestige

Not a garland to shame

To the loathing, of

The dioramic head!

Merry be ye;

Oh lonesome firebrand

A challis to your dreams

Cheers ! Me thinks...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Music For Me

I am a diffident fool
They say!
I cannot sing
For my voice is of a croaking mule.
I cannot in my memory rewind
The lyrics of the best sung songs

I care not..no more...
I want to remember lyrics no more..
for the wind that shakes the maize
is music in its ruffle,
for the sand that churns in the air..
And the ibis that flips...

to the screeching stillness of the
punctured tyres!
To the Cold wind that cuts across the ear
There is music..
which I hear...
too the lisping of the fishes in the sea

there is music in the harp..the lute and the cello
and also in the baritone mellow
that I see with the closing of my eyes
the silence and the stillness is music to me

The craving lullaby..or the blaring of the horns..
Are all the myriad music for thee..
Are music for Me.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

random muses

If my words I could pen:
Cocooned in a Den,
Scribbled would I ...what?
for my mind he does thwart..
blessed is my wanton heart:
Tarries when I say Sart!!
wanton acts...do not sway...
Let me stray !!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

His RED Pajamas

on a bright Tuesday morning
Sipping tea..
From my terrace i see
An octagenarian in his Red pajamas
bald spate!!

I smiled...
Red at Eighty

He brought his paper and bread!
crossed the road..and was dead..
a speeding truck did it!!

there he lay:
in his free-flowing Red
Him and his Red Pajamas

Monday, May 6, 2013

let us not

can we not cling:
to hope.
to light!
to addictions
to joy
a new light?

should we?
need we?
can we just be humans and not leeches

why cling:-
when u can
a new day
a new life
a ray of hope

and with every making
take sorrows,
joys anguish and love withal
a new story.
a new tale
all yours
for all!