I sat on a bus..
My route to a place unknown!
the sweltereing heat....
Abead of sweat adorned my brow
The driver cussed!
The child cried
An old man coughed,
A woman's trinket jangled
A meaningless murmur...
I look outside
The sun glares back
The sky was naked ...
Not a single cloud to clothe it!!
The peddler pushed flies off his pineapples
An auto-man bumped into the car driver
the spat and hissed
Pedstrian scampered across the road
Little scraps of paper and trash:
kissed and danced on the road,
the only happy things around
I felt void...
void of Thoughts..
I just stared...!!
Life can be easily encapsulated by the aid of memories...that is why we have memoirs..autobiographies...biographies...strange what memories can do...cry with the happiness..or laugh till you feel your lungs will burst..or cry and cry so hard that you are all alone on a mountain top or on the top of a building and there is no one to hear you...!...or..make you feel pensive..or childlike...or vulnerable and sweet....memories and their vagaries!!
life is so beautiful when you sit down with your friends..those that have grown up with you or those that you met you as your moved up in life....and you chat...and jabber about days bygone..or when you turn in to a restrospecting recluse...
But what if you compartmentalise your memories..you just think about times if you were really a part of incidents that you may have lived..what if you are reminded you have been a part of times by friends..and people who have been and are a part of you life..!
strange thoughts...peculiar too...
Wonderful wonderful thought..... really life is indeed a diary, the memories being the pages, some are scribbled, some are doodled, some have tear drops smudging them....